Logo for the 恐怖的快乐 podcast



小狗. 婴儿. 家庭. A good book—all things that typically bring people joy.

恐怖? 通常不在名单上.

但事情是这样的. Even if you don’t like being scared, or even if you don’t like gore or the grotesque, 在这类型游戏中仍然可以找到乐趣:也许这只是从不同角度看待它的问题.

That’s what two 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 professors are doing with their new podcast, 恐怖的快乐, where you can go for the joy and stay for the horror. Or, come for the horror and stay for the joy.

Brian Onishi和Jeff Stoyanoff是十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的教授和同事. 两人对恐怖题材的热爱和好奇心都可以追溯到小学时期.

斯托亚诺夫第一次发现这种类型是在他在万圣节前后看的老电影中,比如《信誉最好的大网投平台》, 《信誉最好的大网投平台》, and Alfred Hitchcock classics. 学术书展的选集帮助他发现了《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》和《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》系列. Stephen King was added to his reading list as he grew older.

大西回忆说,《十大网投平台信誉排行榜》系列小说让他毛骨悚然,但也提供了神秘和友谊的元素,引起了他的兴趣. He also moved onto Stephen King novels in his teens, 并最终, his love of horror in 文学 led him to the love of horror on the screen.

现在, 作为一个成年人, 大西能说出一个名字, 或者说是一种情感, to what he experiences when he engages in horror—it’s joy. As an associate professor of philosophy, he wondered about this reaction, 不知道这是不是很奇怪. 但当他看到其他恐怖粉丝和创作者如何谈论和反应时, he concluded that joy is actually a pretty common outcome. He wanted to explore this further.

The idea of doing a podcast happened organically between Onishi and Stoyanoff. They were both newer hires with offices in the same building. 在走廊里的短暂问候变成了办公室闲聊,继而变成了对话,最后变成了超越恐惧的亲密关系.

Brian Onishi recording an episode of the 恐怖的快乐 podcast

Brian Onishi offers commentary during a recording of 恐怖的快乐. 他对恐怖的迷恋是通过儿时阅读这类书籍而发现的.


这对夫妇想通过剧集与他人分享他们的热情, but what would make theirs stand out among so many others?

恐怖的快乐 is not a movie review podcast or a performance podcast. Nor does it glorify gore or torture. 而, it asks questions about horror: how can we understand the connections and contrasts between horror and joy; what does horror do productively; and what does it mean to find joy in something horrific? It also looks at horror as not just a genre, but as an art form.

“As academics, we can unpack that in a unique way,大西说。. “We get beyond just being scared and having fun. 我们提出和回答问题,并提供通过恐怖来看待我们周围世界的新方法. 这是我们想为自己和任何想要加入的人开辟的空间.”

恐怖的快乐 launched in June of this year with an episode about the iconic movie Jaws. 这是一个完美的时机, 恰逢这部电影50周年纪念和探索频道的年度鲨鱼周. Onishi and Stoyanoff examined the idea of insularity and looked at race, 性别, 甚至是性, all amidst a killer shark terrorizing an island.

到目前为止,这对夫妇已经处理了宗教恐怖、世界末日恐怖和超恐怖的主题. Other episodes feature interviews with authors Paul Trembley, Kelly J. Baker和Eric LaRocca.

“关于这个的一切, from the preparing to recording and editing, 很有趣吗,大西说。. “对我来说,另一个很大的回报是恐怖创作者同意上播客. Getting to talk to them about the genre and their work has been incredible.”

Jeff Stoyanoff recording the 恐怖的快乐 podcast

Jeff Stoyanoff during a podcast episode recording. His love of the horror genre comes from watching old movies as a child.


斯托亚诺夫是一名英语助理教授,他说学者经常被指责搞砸事情. “People will say, can you just watch a movie and let it be a movie? Can you just read a book and let it be a book? Do you have to think about it all so much? 但当一些事情让我思考自己的观点或质疑自己的信念,然后根据我在这个过程中的发现来重申或改变它们时,我就会感到快乐.”

有很多东西可以用恐怖所能提供的创造性和引人注目的想法来拆解和检验. 进一步, 它经常模仿社会,表达我们对经济等问题的焦虑, 领导, 气候变化, 移民, 宗教, 自然灾害.

“我认为这真的会影响我们对自己的理解,”大西说. “它迫使我们审视我们如何体验我们周围的世界,并认为恐怖是违法的. How does it push us in our society and our ideas? How does it push against what we have thought before? In some ways, horror rips us out of our world and thrusts us right back into it.”

Onishi and Stoyanoff believe there is joy in that process. 他们相信毁灭我们的世界是一种快乐,希望新的东西会出现, joy in imagining a world that has moved beyond our current horrors.

另一个最大的, 也许最重要的是, 来自播客的快乐是通过它和围绕它建立的社区.

大西说:“社区有一些非常重要的东西,尤其是在COVID后。. “And there’s something really joyful about discussing horror, 寻找共同点, and sharing different interpretations and viewpoints.”

对奥西和斯托亚诺夫来说,这种对话和思想交流令人兴奋 恐怖的快乐和它的听众.

从试播集开始, download numbers have been steadily increasing, while helpful reviews and critiques from listeners, 以前和现在的学生, and other academics are amassing.

And there is for sure one person out there who, while still not a fan of horror, has at least come to appreciate it.

Stoyanoff的岳父, 吉姆, finds zero joy in horror but, 想要给予支持, 开始听剧集. 他发现自己在分析自己的厌恶情绪,并逐渐意识到这是因为他喜欢控制自己,而恐惧往往会让我们感到失控.

“It was interesting to have that conversation with him, 看到他从一个新的角度看待恐怖,并从思考中得到一些有益的东西,斯托亚诺夫说. “It's a lot of fun to see that happening because of the podcast.


As Onishi and Stoyanoff look to the future of 恐怖的快乐, they have plenty of options to consider for it. They are thinking of ways to incorporate it into classes they teach, including one they are co-developing for the spring 2025 semester. 《信誉最好的大网投平台》是一门面向英联邦学生的新课程,主要关注恐怖和超自然小说. 奥尼什和斯托亚诺夫希望十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校和其他机构的教师能找到在电影等课程中使用播客的方法, 文学, 和宗教.

Onishi和Stoyanoff希望 恐怖的快乐 也可能为他们提供机会,让学生参与十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的本科生研究. 用播客这样的新媒体做一个项目,可以为学生提供现实世界的经验,让他们进入自己选择的职业领域.

至于播客内容, Onishi和Stoyanoff对包含主题和圆桌会议的剧集有几个想法. 他们正在考虑使用一家品牌和媒体制作公司来帮助发展播客,这可能会导致与该领域的其他播客和学者合作.

“There are just so many directions we can take this podcast,大西说。. “随着越来越多这类题材的作品出现,我们几乎有无穷无尽的方面可以探索.”

And that, of course, is something to be joyful about.